Yellow flowers, blue vases -I'm really liking the contrast.
And like these flowers seem pretty perfect for our season and locale:

Love the lavendar! All four above from Style Me Pretty
Thanks to these stellar tips on how not to get screwed by a florist, I'll know what to say when I eventually go to talk to someone.
Especially key:
5. Have a fairly solid idea of the blooms and styles you want. DON'T be talked down unless a reason sounds completely legit. Stuttering, "well," and other insincere answers means that you might need to find a different florist.I'm thinking of going to San Francisco Flower Mart, and trying to DIY. I have no experience with this, but I'm inspired by these folks, who created this beautiful centerpiece.

I've ordered a bunch of blue vases... and -- ooo! wheat sheaves look nice, too. Also fits a fall harvest sorta theme. (But I'm pretty adamant that there will be no pumpkins. Just too, too.)

And then I really love the branches in vases. Manzanita grows all over Marin, and is such a pretty tree. It looks great with the candles, here, or maybe we could put white lights in the branches. Too Christmas-y?

I love yellow ... you got some great photos up there! :)
SO pretty. Love the colors, love the wheat, love the (non-xmas-y) manzanita.
I think I need to know more about this SF Flower Mart you speak of. Where is it?
thanks for the props... makes feel better about the ever evolving aesthetic (something I've really never given much thought to before!)
SF Flower Mart is in SOMA. see
http://www.sfflmart.com. seems really fun to go & browse among the flowers... how can you go wrong? flowers in vases are inherently pretty!
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