After the amazing-ness of Barefoot on the Beach Day (about which I have much, much more to say very soon),
(Thanks to Mr. Barefoot's talented cousin Madeleine for these photos.)
From our second story deck, we watched the fog recede, roll in, head out again, and then decorate the sunset. We soaked in the hottub under gnarled cypress and twinkling stars. We ate leftover wedding cake and drank champagne in bed.
Today, I head along the coast in the other direction, for an annual departmental retreat in Big Sur. Originally, I was worried about missing the first few days. Now, I'm grateful to have a reprieve from teaching this week, while the new reality sinks in.
It seems strange to leave my brand-new husband just after making it official. My brother, who got married at City Hall one weekend in DC, while his fiancee/ wife was living in NYC, assures me that the separation that followed their marriage did no harm. (They now have two kids and seem happy as clams!)
And, we'll be heeding the words of one of our wedding readers, who, quoting Kahlil Gibran, instructed us:
Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.More soon....
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.
I'm sure everything will be A OK! Congrats :-)
I've had this post "starred" for months in my google reader because I loved the idea of the shoe blanket for your guests. My wedding (on the beach) is in three weeks and I want to steal your idea. =) Can you tell me what your sign said? I can't quite see it. lol Don't worry, I won't use it verbatim, I'm just looking for inspiration. =)
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